City Sophistication

City Sophistication

Project : City Sophistication
Location : Auckland, NZ

Photographer : Jessica Chloe Photography

City Sophistication detail
City Sophistication detail

Nestled in the heart of Auckland, this stylish city pad exemplifies compact living on a grand scale.

The clever use of space strikes a perfect balance between warm, sophisticated elegance and comfort, all while maximising sunlight and offering sweeping views from the city to the harbour. Contemporary furniture is softened with timeless textures and finishes, complemented by personal touches and a thoughtful blend of ambient and task lighting. 

The custom Avalon Plus sofa from Marac is a delight in green, while the placement of the ever popular Blobb de Luxe armchairs from Bullfrog create a semi-seperate tv or reading zone, without cutting up the room.

Explore all products used in this project HERE